Monday, March 15, 2010

So Frustrated

Grr, arg....not in control of anything...and that is for a girl that loves being in control. I don't choose my daily curriculum or what the kids need to be taught. I am still a slave to the disability gods and their rules regarding amount of income. I am a slave to what vaccines I cannot choose for my children as selective vaccination is contrary to a religious exemption. I am dependant on another for financial support. Can't put holes in the wall as I don't own the home. Can't switch credit cards as my income has so radically changed, no sane person would extend me credit. I bow to the master that is my hormone fluctuations and my back pain. I am dependant on others' for healthcare which means I take what I can get including an incompassionate doctor and an unsanitary dentist. I make few decisions regarding my eldest, even though it is in his best interest. Remember the phrase "when you grow up, you can be anything"? It's a lie, you grow up to be a part of the machine. Nobody cares, you are insignificant. The best you can do is raise your kids right so that none of you are ever featured in the news or on the top 10 list. That is all you can really strive for. The politicians running this country that are bought and sold, the doctors that take the hippocratic oath and yet get involved in medicare schemes, tax evasion and illegal prescription drug rings. Whole countries that are bought and sold for their votes in the IWC...more later

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